still disbelief that 2009 is reaching its end. well, tomorrow is 31th, the last day of 2009 and well, it's kind of like saddening. I don't know why but, I think there too much lesson that I've learnt. yeah I know, that, actually in every single day, we have so many things to learn about, yeah especially if you're still studying but I'm talking about different things to learn.
it's called, (yeah I called it this way):
Lesson of Life
or Moral lesson.
yeah, like there are so many perceptions about this. and I've got too many I guess.
we learn from history. I mean, Past things. what you did in past gave ya a lesson for the future and for 2010, I gained many :)
I have a big resolution for next year. and sshh, won't tell you.
I mean, yeah, maybe later, someday, hmph, I don't know, lol.
and I know, I'm gonna be such a better person.
but, yeah when 2008 ended, I promised to change. being a better person for sure. but, after I looked back then a couple of minutes ago, to 2008. when I promised myself, I think I have changed this year but changed into a worse kind of person.
nah, no that worse but, bad enough. like, I'm more childish and kind of like, my selfishness is higher. and that more complicated me somehow. many of my problems were caused by my ego and yeah, I'm such being like more childish and selfish.
but I'll try to be mature, or a bit mature next year. everything needs process and being mature is well hard I guess. yeah, let's see (:
one thing, I won't make any same mistakes in next year because, it's what stupid persons do I guess.
ya know it's a mistake that you've ever done a couple of times ago nut you do it again, like, hey, you've done it, you know how it felt, and it was bad, now you're doing it?
okay okay then, you guys will do it too okay?!
no same mistakes for tomorrow!
and so we have to make some new mistakes?
it's not like that, bwaahahahahha.
think before you act.
many problems/mistakes are caused because we do things before thinking first. all we can think of is only our own satisfication in doing it. we don't think about things that can be caused after doing it. we usually think if it will never turns bad to ourselves.
think twice.
think clearly.
well, that's it I guess. if you are more than 13, or, I mean, whosoever you are, especially more than 13, you know why you have to think twice and to think clearly before you act.
HAPPY 2010 guys!
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
would you spend a million of bucks that you just got for a date with david Archuleta?
ohhh.. with pleasureee hahah @davidarchie
what did the last thing you eat?
perkedel, rice and fried chicken
Hi! If you had a one in a life time chance to meet David Archie or get 1 million dollars..which one would you pick?
oh @davidarchie 'course. David Archie can't be compared to anything. he's just so worth-it :)
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
have you ever imagined of how you would die?
yeah, it was featured awesome movie's scenes. like twilight, transformers, harry potter and etc ha!
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY David Archuleta!

Hey guys, so this is not what I'm supposed to update now. because I've been writing an update about my christmas eve and saving it to the draft. so it's n ot been published yet.
but anyway, why I'm updating this one. because today is DAVID ARCHULETA's birthday! yay! :D
happy birthday, David!
all the best goes to you and your life and your career. keep up your best and be a better person, especially it's nearly coming to the end of the year. 2010 is 3 days away :). may you get all what you wish and God bless ya!
I know I know, he'll probably not read this but at least that, okay, you know how i really wish if I could be there, celebrating today with all his friends and fam. woah,, amazing hahahah :D. but, at least I'm still celebrating his birthday though from faraway.
once again, Happy Birthday, Archie!
Minggu, 27 Desember 2009
my christmas

this actually should be published a while ago but anyway..
okayy, my christmas isn't boring but been always the same. so for the past few years that I've always been celebrating xmas at my gran's. and until this year's. but as long as I still can be with my fam on christmas, no big deal :)
because, christmas without a family is just nothing at all I guess. and in this christmas, I got a surprise.
what kind of surprise?
so I had a big fight with wira and it was on 26th. oh well, how could I forget it? so it's too bad that I had to be not in a peaceful mood. that I actually should be.
because I had a big cat fight or yeah, fight with this guy, who used to be my crush, after christmas.
during our fight, he talked about christmas, yep. he said that in this christmas, God has given me everything but not a heart and also that he thought ig he'd such receive a nice gift from me, well, do you think he desrved it?
after all the lies he gave me, then, I should just gace him a nice gift?
woah, wake up baby!
forget it!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!
and sorry if this is too late, yeah i know I know lol.
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
I live to pursue my dreams

Hi guys, what's up? it's me again.
I know, it's been a little long but hey, I'm here to update the new things again1 :)
okay, first that I'd like to tell yah that i'm now organizing an event at my school called THE CLASS MEETING. so it's like a sport match among the classes. It's just pretty exciting ya kknow. I like to be in the chess match :) <3. because it's just been kinda fun. I also had a such unforgetable moment there one day at the chess match :) . I'm now learning how to play chess ;).
just so fun :).
and then, the class meeting is held 5 days. and now, we have been like 3 days running it and just, sometimes it's fun in the morning but when it comes to the noon or later then, I simply quite get a little bored and just feel like, totally bored at all. oh, and today is the day 3 and ya know what I just made the head of this organization MAD. ha!
anyway, who cares about him anymore?
an unfair, copier, stealer and whatsoever. woah, I hate him!
an dthen, what's up with your holiday this year?
I just got mu first christmas card yesterday. it was from my friend at the church. was from Sharon. :)
and then, my holiday. I think it's going to be just fun and just fine I guess. I have a new fam member ya know, :). it's Karren. my new cousin. so she was just born this year, right on july, 25th.
love her that cutie one soooo muchh :0
oh and then, I wanna tell ya this. I just got to. so from the class meeting event, I got a new crush. well, nah, I'm not telling yah his name but only a quick info.
like, I met him at the hess match so he was the competitor and my friend who represented my classs was his opposite. so then, i was watching em and finally my team won :) and when he shook hand with my friend, he smiled and then, I suddenly felt like, melting. I don't know lol. but that was true. I eman his smile was just so sweeeeeett :). and i can't freaking forget everything since that day.
but then, when I watched the football match and then, I just sa him dating that girl. i had no idea who she was but I knew she was hid girlfriend. then, I felt kinda well, sad. I thought I would have him as my new crush or whatever but nah, we weren't mean to be :(
anyway, I tried to forget him but I just could not. I don't really know why just, his smile, (oh, again!) just is running in my head; can't stop.
I'm horrible ya know.
I'm just so saddening.
anyway, I hope that I will get a better boy someday, I know he will come :)
and if you happen to have the same moment like me, then, you should just be waiting for him. make sure yourselves if there' gonna be a boy someday for you. the nicest you have ever known :)
okay the, then uhmm
oh yeahhh, new year is coming upon. what are your resolutions for 2010?
I've got some plans but yeahhh still searching for this information.
so I am planning on joining a program which allows me to study in USA. isn't that stunning?
well, hell yeah for me :)
ya know I've been wanting to visit US someday and I know this is my chance. I won't lose it. so I'll probably signing up for this program. I'm now learning so many things about national and international cultures and such things like that.
too bad!
if I then will be chosen then, I will continue my study there in US. I am now a sophomore and when I get there, I'll be a junior (of course) but when I comeback to Indonesia, I'll be back to be a junior again (?). yeah, my friend has said so. well, I don't mind it. as long as I can visit or live or whatever in US. I'd die for it. ha!
I mean I'd do anything for it.
because I think I live or I was born to life is to pursue all of my dreams. and that's my goal in life, :)
and living in Us is one of my dreams so that I have to pursue it. I know my Father will help me anyway because He loves his kids so much and I'm his. all his :)
okay then, I guess I'm done now. Thanks so much for reading and see ya!
Minggu, 13 Desember 2009
Mostly sucks

what's up people?
it's me, kathleen. i know i haven't updated for kinda long it was because I got sick the other day ya know. so i got bad fever and headache and just recovered on friday. on friday, I was a bit busy taking care for such a christmas show and o i got home at night, felt really tired and well so on. until today, finally, I, got a chance to update a new blog. ha! :)
the finals were finally done. yay!
even though there are good and bad scores that I have got :(. it sucks to figure that out ya know. I failed on Math (again) and also chemistry.
and also still suck at my friend. so I stupidly gave some answers for her, I thought she was my friend so why not?! but after that, when I checked my score, she got higher score than me. urgh! and so I decided to not ever tell give her any answers of english. sucks!
well then, moving on to,
uhm.. oh yeah this is still a ba news though but lemme tell ya...
Paranormal Activity has finally arrived here in my town but, too bad that, it's only playing at one theater only which is this theater is such expensive . hell yeah! urgh!
so, now, still a bit confused on how I will watch PA. I have to watch it however because I have been curious for kinda long and I would die for
sounds kinda much and dramatic, doesn't it?
and thennnnn..
today, I was supposed to meet a guy at the church. so we have met and talked on facebook and when we figured out that we attend the same church, we such decided to meet there. but, I think he kinda forgot about that ya know or actually knew that I was there realizing that he was there but, he kinda pretended if he wasn't seeing me or whatsoever..! hah.
anyway then,
now I'm working on a project well, this is actually my job at school. beside being a good student (I guess lol), I also am a school's wall magz team member. now working for the magazine. the topic is the teacher's day that was celebrated, uhm, like 2 weeks ago and now hunting for photos and such cool words and yeahh such.. lol.
okay, themn, I think that I need to take some rest and then continue my work. OHh how I wish if tomorrow I never had school. :(
okay then, see ya!
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
Let them crash my mind

Hi everyone, how are you doing?
today I just had my first exams.
they were English, Indonesian, and Religion
well, lol, I don't know what those usually are called in your place. but the hardest test was, Religion.
the essay one was kinda difficult, I could only answer one lol.
but I answered them al in the end because, I just wanted them to be filled ha!
and the easiest was English of course lol. yeah I just <3 english sooo muchh. and Indonesian was simple hahah!
and yeah, things are not going better lately. so many odd creepy stuffs happening. but I also had some fun too like, uhm, someone just finally knew my secret.
and yeah I'm not gonna tell you the real case but this is amazing that he, well, yeah knew who I really am. lol.
nrevous a bit because we're to meet each on sunday woahhh what will we do?
uhmmm lol.
and ah-mazing stuff I also got was that I am friends with a graphic design student here!
I already got one from London. because, after finishing high school, my plan is to study more about graphic designing.
it's just hella true that I am into graphic design. I can spend hours to edit pics in photoshop and make so many more graphics. even though I kinda doubt about the job I will get later after finishing graphic school, yeah become a graphic designer of course but I mean, about, where I will work. because lately it's just been confusing to get a job. the economy crisi and such. we don't know what are gonna happen in the future right?
better or worse?
we'll see.
but now I'm hearing stuffs from my new friend who apparently is studying graphic, Leo.
it will be fun I bet sharing common stuffs right?
I also would like to share to y'all about common stuffs.
so, talk to me ok?
alright then, Imma study. becasue tomorrow the exam season is still running so I have to study much much and much lol.
to get good scores for sure. because lately I got very very bad scores and kinda sucked at those!
ok guys?
catch ya laterrr!
graphic design,
kathleen meows,
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
lazy saturday

well, good morning everyone!
here I am again updating a new blog. well, so, for today, I have updated 2 blogs. remember I was updating last night?
and I woke up at six and when I tried to go back sleep, I failed. urgh..!!!. so I walked into the living room and it was only thje laptop there. I checked my facebook first and updated a status. then, myspace to reply comment and then, googled what was on my mind.
this morning is kinda boring for me. I don't go to school today and that doesn't suck ya know.
I used to suck on holidays because on those days I didn't see wira and of course that sucked but now after everything has broken and then we got nothing to talk about anymore so, I suppose my holidays are gonna be wonderful because, ya know I should get some fun right?
but I don't know where I'm gonna go this holiday, but, yeah, ya know I'm not a heiress and nor the rich
hang on a sec
I'm back..!
okay, so I heleped my aunt warping the gifts which are gonna be put under the trre.. yay1
woah, I'm just so excited for christmas. yay!
but, ya know, I have been longing for celebrating christmas in the moiddle of winter. but, because I don't luve in snowy place so...
but that's okay.. as long as I still am able to celebrate x-mas, whereever I'll be, the blessing won't change.
and back to holiday,
actually, I really wanna spend the holiday in Hongkong, DisneyLand or in vancouver, canada.
becasue i just heard those places are just pretty amazing. and i was wondering...
and then, I am now studying for the exam which is gonna be, on this monday, woo hoo, I'm a bit nervous because I, I don't satnd some lessons like Math and chemistry especially Physics. O goodness..
I think Imma be in the social class in the junior year because yeah, just I don't like or I just can't stand anymore about Physics, it's jsut so difficult. but, I'm not hoping to be in the science class either.
For me, being in whatsoever class doesn't matter. because my motto in life is "Everything happens for a good reasons" so that i believe the Lord will always lead me to the good. The Best.
and when I am in college, maybe, just a plan actually, Imma take ARt & Graphics Faculty.
because i am just so insane for this thing ya know. I can really explore my creativity inside thru those things. it's fun and so ah-mazing.
alright, alright..
Imma break for a minute because yeah, I'm kinda tired; just got home from athe supermarket.
o.k bye everyone, have a fun weekend!
could be the sun at the night
The semester one final exam is coming upon me. well, on this dec 7th, I'm gonna have it. and too bad that I ain't studied much until now. I'm staying up right now. the clock shows 00.43 a.m and now I am staying up while updating a new blog ;)
today has been kinda messy and for sure tiring.
in the morning I went to school and met my friends. we were having english speaking test and I was done with my chairmate. and then, I did my art task. so I painted on a paper an image created by myself (just because most of my friends drew by copying someone else's image e.g images from google)
and so, I painted it with a balck tint so we weren't allowed to use other colors only black. and after that, we would have to print it over a shirt. but, because the time was already running out so we will do it, uhm, toiday yeah, today's morning.
bu, I'm not going to school becasue apparently now I'm staying at my cousin's house which is far from my house and school of coursee. so thet my chairmate will have to handle it. yeahhh.
well, I accompinied my cousin to some places around the town. she was doing her job for the extracurricilar. so, she was gonna give and take the proposal of Red Youth Cross match. something like that because I am not in that Extr.
we came to some places and we`were wet because when we just walked out from a building it started to rain, urgh!
well, after arriving home, mum told me that I have to clean the house before she came back home. I was still tired but then, I slowly did some works. ;)
os then, I had lunch at 3 p.m can you imagine?
I was pretty hungry.
at around 5, I was on the way here to my cousin's house and when we arrived, I am borrowed a laptop by my aunt, and now still using it lol.
and I was chatting with 2 seniors. and this one senior was I had never chatted with before and yeah we had fun for not a really moment though.
I have some impression on this senior, well, he is a guy and kinda smart at some extraordinary thing. he is kinda cute too ha! but I am not inlove with him though ya knoww. lol.
but overall, my day has been always tiring and tiring. boring sometimes. but ya kow what?
there would be always fun time you'd get ven in your most-tiring day in your life. like fun unexpected moments. just like I ha today too. lol.
okay, now, Imma sleep because my fingers are sore.
bye, guys...!!!
today has been kinda messy and for sure tiring.
in the morning I went to school and met my friends. we were having english speaking test and I was done with my chairmate. and then, I did my art task. so I painted on a paper an image created by myself (just because most of my friends drew by copying someone else's image e.g images from google)
and so, I painted it with a balck tint so we weren't allowed to use other colors only black. and after that, we would have to print it over a shirt. but, because the time was already running out so we will do it, uhm, toiday yeah, today's morning.
bu, I'm not going to school becasue apparently now I'm staying at my cousin's house which is far from my house and school of coursee. so thet my chairmate will have to handle it. yeahhh.
well, I accompinied my cousin to some places around the town. she was doing her job for the extracurricilar. so, she was gonna give and take the proposal of Red Youth Cross match. something like that because I am not in that Extr.
we came to some places and we`were wet because when we just walked out from a building it started to rain, urgh!
well, after arriving home, mum told me that I have to clean the house before she came back home. I was still tired but then, I slowly did some works. ;)
os then, I had lunch at 3 p.m can you imagine?
I was pretty hungry.
at around 5, I was on the way here to my cousin's house and when we arrived, I am borrowed a laptop by my aunt, and now still using it lol.
and I was chatting with 2 seniors. and this one senior was I had never chatted with before and yeah we had fun for not a really moment though.
I have some impression on this senior, well, he is a guy and kinda smart at some extraordinary thing. he is kinda cute too ha! but I am not inlove with him though ya knoww. lol.
but overall, my day has been always tiring and tiring. boring sometimes. but ya kow what?
there would be always fun time you'd get ven in your most-tiring day in your life. like fun unexpected moments. just like I ha today too. lol.
okay, now, Imma sleep because my fingers are sore.
bye, guys...!!!
kathleen meows,
Rabu, 02 Desember 2009
nothing will bring me back to you again
Hiiiii... what's up people?
it's such a tiring and boring day for me.
it's just because I saw wira all day and he tried to avoid to meet me. like, he turned away when he saw me walking on the way and yeah just so on..
that even sucked the hell outa' me ya know, but I also still suck when I get to see him. like, I guess, I haven't forgotten that problem yet.. lol.
and I was just told by his friend, that, he's lied to me.
about our saturday case, actually, he didn't even told any of his friends but her, but he told me, that he also sent it to his other friends. how sucks!
ya know, it actually doesn't matter to whom he was gonna sent the poem but the problem is that he uses my poem. and well, anyone in this world if they had a poem, okay, for exmaple, if there was an artist of painting and one day he painted a painting and gave it a s a gift for somebody else. but the receiver gave it to someone else and said if that painting was made by him.
alright, like, were you gonna be just okay knowing your thing was 'stolen' by someone you were inlove with?
okay, it's just..BAD!
but forget about him, I mean, it was my past, but not already becoming a past story..
but ya know, I still love him and there is no way to forget him. but only one way to start over everything, quitting Osis.
but, it was my promise to him that I would never leave Osis. but, he already has broken his to me. so, I was gonna break mine too but, just how?
I mean, it's kinda difficult quitting Osis.
and, I wanted to leave because I wanted him to hate me and that was lame actually though lol.
even though that I also has promised someone that I would never leave because of him and so I just want to stick with that. with my promise of course.
this week has been rough and yeah I am still alive this minute.
yeah I am yay! THANK GOD!
but another happy news is now in too, like,
I talk back with this new cute guy lol, and also he commented my photo. he also liked it :).
it's been pretty nice talking with him, he is a nice guy ya know and I quite like him but, lol, nah, he is 4 years older than me. not a very big deal hahahhaha. but, yeah,,, just like him.
okay, I will have the first semester exam next week and that's quite crazy remembering I've been attending this school feels like just yesterday.
why does time go so fast?
but, I still hope for the best for my exam results.
so that I really have to study prety pretty hard :).
I can do it and you can too!
alright, see ya people!
it's such a tiring and boring day for me.
it's just because I saw wira all day and he tried to avoid to meet me. like, he turned away when he saw me walking on the way and yeah just so on..
that even sucked the hell outa' me ya know, but I also still suck when I get to see him. like, I guess, I haven't forgotten that problem yet.. lol.
and I was just told by his friend, that, he's lied to me.
about our saturday case, actually, he didn't even told any of his friends but her, but he told me, that he also sent it to his other friends. how sucks!
ya know, it actually doesn't matter to whom he was gonna sent the poem but the problem is that he uses my poem. and well, anyone in this world if they had a poem, okay, for exmaple, if there was an artist of painting and one day he painted a painting and gave it a s a gift for somebody else. but the receiver gave it to someone else and said if that painting was made by him.
alright, like, were you gonna be just okay knowing your thing was 'stolen' by someone you were inlove with?
okay, it's just..BAD!
but forget about him, I mean, it was my past, but not already becoming a past story..
but ya know, I still love him and there is no way to forget him. but only one way to start over everything, quitting Osis.
but, it was my promise to him that I would never leave Osis. but, he already has broken his to me. so, I was gonna break mine too but, just how?
I mean, it's kinda difficult quitting Osis.
and, I wanted to leave because I wanted him to hate me and that was lame actually though lol.
even though that I also has promised someone that I would never leave because of him and so I just want to stick with that. with my promise of course.
this week has been rough and yeah I am still alive this minute.
yeah I am yay! THANK GOD!
but another happy news is now in too, like,
I talk back with this new cute guy lol, and also he commented my photo. he also liked it :).
it's been pretty nice talking with him, he is a nice guy ya know and I quite like him but, lol, nah, he is 4 years older than me. not a very big deal hahahhaha. but, yeah,,, just like him.
okay, I will have the first semester exam next week and that's quite crazy remembering I've been attending this school feels like just yesterday.
why does time go so fast?
but, I still hope for the best for my exam results.
so that I really have to study prety pretty hard :).
I can do it and you can too!
alright, see ya people!
kathleen emows,
wirahadi saputra
Minggu, 29 November 2009
New Moon

finally I've watched New Moon.
and it was pretty aweeeesooomeeeee! and also kinda a bit saddening. becasue I cried ya know lol.
but overall this movie is pretty great. and amazingly I could clearly feel what these 3 cmain characters felt like, I could feel what Jacob felt. being deeply inlove with someone and able to be close with her.
I just experienced it.
I know how it feels.
just somehow it's always nice being with him. all you can think of is only him. the best moments of your life are when you were spending times with him.
okay like this..
First, I was Jacob.
He used to be the one who was closest than no one to me.
He was warm and pretty good. I loved him so much until I all could see in him was all the beauty things. Now it's just a blur.
He's never loved me. But he's praised me a lot and always made me feel like I was the one. He was funny begging me things. He, was just like a sort of boyfriend?. I don't know.
But only one thing that matters, he doesn't love me. Doesn't love me at all. And he won't pick me in the end. Maybe I was just an escape while the others ran away from him.
Well, that was nice but the nicest nightmare of mine.
And then, I became Bella.
I've got this hole on my chest. A little hole that was getting bigger and still is, everytime the thoughts of you crosses my mind. I sometimes feel like you're here by my side but it actually is no one's been by my side.
This big sick bitchy hole has got to be healed soon but who will heal?
Maybe I'll need more than 4 months or could be a year or years.
I love him so much and that's why everything that I do can never make sense but it's nice. Because of one thing, I'm simply and deeply inlove with him. And started with that is non sense at all.
It's hard when the next thing is I am Edward.
The hardest part of my life is leaving him. And even though an only thing that hurts me but I always want to be with him. But,
I have broken up with him. I broke up everything.
I'll be no friend for him anymore because it's time to leave.
I don't ever want this to happen but it's actually supposed to. And,
never thought before living without you.
That's insane.
I don't want it.
And this is strange that sometimes I feel I don't deserve to be with ya. Because I'm bad. And I want you to hate me. So you'll stay away.
I'm trying to make him feel like I'm never existed.
I throw all of our things away.
And make myself sure that I can still hold on without you though this could just kill me...
So, it is not a match-up. But when I read New Moon, I felt in that way. I knew how it was like being all of em. overall, everything always hurt but deep inside that I'm always hoping the best for the ending. though I can't just figure it out through my mind.ha!.
kinda dramatic but I hope this will bring you such an influence yeahh.. such.
bye y'all..!
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Clap my hands strongly

Well, finally, after rough weeks that I've been through, finally this blog has been done! =]
not totaly done though but almost.. lol.
so I guess that there are stil many to be taken care of hah!
today is saturday and yeah I have no idea on how I'm gonna spend today =[ but you know what?
NEW MOON has been finally coming to my place. it's late though I know but yay! I'm happy.
because I have been waiting way kinda longand also it sucked when the townspeople have already watched but I ain't urgh!
honestly I am not a townspeople so I am a villager lol but I'm not embarassed though because the place where I live is nice enough.. =]
holiday is coming..!!!
but btw, happy thnaksgiving to you all! =]
well, holiday is coming and I can't wait!!!
it's been always nice to celebrate it because there are many blessings around and what I like is when my fam is gathering around. and the, the foods are good too. indonesians foods are great.
but currently I am just so excited for new moon. even though it's gonna be sad that I can't watch it with Wira. well, I just might not. still hopin' though hahaha.
I suck at this person named wira recently because of yeah, uhm he's mistaken to me and he doesn't say sorry at all and that pretty sucks urgh!
I feel like I wanna punch his face he DOES pretty suck!
okay okay, I'm done now, basicaly I already got nothing to talk about anymore but I try to update everyday but I still dunno if I could lol.
alright, bye you all and catch ya!
kathleen meows,
new moon,
wirahadi saputra