Hi guys, what's up? it's me again.
I know, it's been a little long but hey, I'm here to update the new things again1 :)
okay, first that I'd like to tell yah that i'm now organizing an event at my school called THE CLASS MEETING. so it's like a sport match among the classes. It's just pretty exciting ya kknow. I like to be in the chess match :) <3. because it's just been kinda fun. I also had a such unforgetable moment there one day at the chess match :) . I'm now learning how to play chess ;).
just so fun :).
and then, the class meeting is held 5 days. and now, we have been like 3 days running it and just, sometimes it's fun in the morning but when it comes to the noon or later then, I simply quite get a little bored and just feel like, totally bored at all. oh, and today is the day 3 and ya know what I just made the head of this organization MAD. ha!
anyway, who cares about him anymore?
an unfair, copier, stealer and whatsoever. woah, I hate him!
an dthen, what's up with your holiday this year?
I just got mu first christmas card yesterday. it was from my friend at the church. was from Sharon. :)
and then, my holiday. I think it's going to be just fun and just fine I guess. I have a new fam member ya know, :). it's Karren. my new cousin. so she was just born this year, right on july, 25th.
love her that cutie one soooo muchh :0
oh and then, I wanna tell ya this. I just got to. so from the class meeting event, I got a new crush. well, nah, I'm not telling yah his name but only a quick info.
like, I met him at the hess match so he was the competitor and my friend who represented my classs was his opposite. so then, i was watching em and finally my team won :) and when he shook hand with my friend, he smiled and then, I suddenly felt like, melting. I don't know lol. but that was true. I eman his smile was just so sweeeeeett :). and i can't freaking forget everything since that day.
but then, when I watched the football match and then, I just sa him dating that girl. i had no idea who she was but I knew she was hid girlfriend. then, I felt kinda well, sad. I thought I would have him as my new crush or whatever but nah, we weren't mean to be :(
anyway, I tried to forget him but I just could not. I don't really know why just, his smile, (oh, again!) just is running in my head; can't stop.
I'm horrible ya know.
I'm just so saddening.
anyway, I hope that I will get a better boy someday, I know he will come :)
and if you happen to have the same moment like me, then, you should just be waiting for him. make sure yourselves if there' gonna be a boy someday for you. the nicest you have ever known :)
okay the, then uhmm
oh yeahhh, new year is coming upon. what are your resolutions for 2010?
I've got some plans but yeahhh still searching for this information.
so I am planning on joining a program which allows me to study in USA. isn't that stunning?
well, hell yeah for me :)
ya know I've been wanting to visit US someday and I know this is my chance. I won't lose it. so I'll probably signing up for this program. I'm now learning so many things about national and international cultures and such things like that.
too bad!
if I then will be chosen then, I will continue my study there in US. I am now a sophomore and when I get there, I'll be a junior (of course) but when I comeback to Indonesia, I'll be back to be a junior again (?). yeah, my friend has said so. well, I don't mind it. as long as I can visit or live or whatever in US. I'd die for it. ha!
I mean I'd do anything for it.
because I think I live or I was born to life is to pursue all of my dreams. and that's my goal in life, :)
and living in Us is one of my dreams so that I have to pursue it. I know my Father will help me anyway because He loves his kids so much and I'm his. all his :)
okay then, I guess I'm done now. Thanks so much for reading and see ya!
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