Kamis, 11 Februari 2010


What's your biggest phobia?


Let the question fall


how did you start knowing everything about sitemodeling stuff?

when I met a fake of Lauren Cyrus and she told me that Lauren was a sitemodel so then I tried to google it

your heights/weights?

5'4" and 48 kg

is there something that keeps bothering you everyday?

yea some things, like waiting for example

have you ever dated caucasian guy through myspace or sites on internet?

not really dating him, we were like very close but not dating

what have you been doing to make your dreams come true?

believing in myself and never giving up

what are your siblings name?

Adinda (only have one)

are you high?


can i add your facebook?


do you have haters? if yes, do you know one of em? and who?

I guess, um, it seems that Regina Bieber is one and the rest, not sure :/

what do you think of lauren cyrus?

she is freakin awesomeeeee <3

where do you usually buy most of your clothes?

my aunt's boutique lmao

how many pics of yourself on your folder?

idk ;/

what's your desktop background on your computer?

david archie

are you rich?

not really

what's your first name?

why would I tell you

do you think you are fashionable?


wow it's cool that you have MAC/ANNA SUI make-up stuff. it's sorta expensive anyway! did you buy it at senayan city?

yea my mom bought em for me, um no, I didn't always buy them there

Let the question fall

Senin, 08 Februari 2010


um i hate you.

thanks for you honesty

what's your native language?


favorite mall?

senayan city and lippo

current fave song?

paramore - brick by boring brick

what would you do if you became as famous as miley cyrus?

would always be myself

do you have any forever 21 stuff? like clothes or something?

nope I said that I bought some for my aunt :(

do you have your own make-up stuff? and what kind of make-up do you use?

yea.. uhmm mostly mascaras and some lipgloss but I have some eye make up stuffs

have you ever get kissed by a special boy?

lol :)

favorite subjects?

art and english :)

hey kath! well i like your name a lot! it's beautiful. (: what's your full name btw?

Kathleen Nainggolan

ever been to a concert?

yepp yep :)

why do you wanna live in u.s?

because it's, Idk, but exciting, so much exciting I guess :)

any celebrity crush?

yeaaa DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA! of course!

how would you describe a perfect life?

never be sad and tears are only for worth happiness :)

do you have gay friends?

I used to but now that he's left

lol. you ask questions to yourself

sometimes but I always include my profile, thats stupid right? lmfao

Let the question fall

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010


what kind of phone do you have?

well, it's nokia

what current city do you live in?


what do you think of having sex before marriage?

just so weird idk but havin sex can wait while we know it why would you have sex before marriage?

how much money do you earn everyday?

0 i dont work yet

do you have any original branded stuff?

yuppp such like rip curl

have you ever heard of juicy couture?

a store

do you have any siblings?


who do mean a lot to you?


what's your biggest dream that you haven't reached it yet?

livin in usa

do you like korean guys?

yeahh kim bum

what's your fave store & perfume?

schitzo and planet surf are great uhmm perfume??? lovely by sj parker

have you ever been to forever 21 and bought something?

yeaaa but it was for a gift for my aunts bday

Let the question fall

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


I came here telling y’all things that have been goin’ on in my life, so…
January was a bit slow and I don’t know why I felt so. But it was I guess, the greatest month ever.
Many things incredibly happened to me. Such wonderful things that I’ll neva forget.
Winning a prize, breaking a truth, umh, getting suckers done, reaching a target on time and, so many else hahaha.
and, started from late Jan, I’d start beginning to be a God’s worshipper in my church.
Hey, I was a little kid, shy, introvert, ya know this was amazing.
I began the beginning of two thousand and ten with full of dreams, hopes, creations, works, reachings, and success. They were all happiness I could get after trying so hard last year, then I was earning them day to day.
my message for you’s,
don’t stop dreaming, let’s hope, do believe you can make your dreams realities. Pray to Him, follow your heart. Go taste the wild, if it makes you to struggle then work hard. Pick every risk, go ahead. Life’s complicated and that’s a challenge. Win it!. Someday you’ll wake up, and get your eyes up on those old dreams you dreamt in hopes which now are coming true.

Because that’s what I’ve been doing.

Never give up because giving up only leaves you a big regret than a regret from a failure.


Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

I WANT AN iMac!!!
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